From Old Yahoo!350 site published August 22, 2006- I took Mitsy out for a 2 hour walk down by the Lachine Canal and took this photo which i put up as my desktop background. She had an epileptic attack the other day in the veranda and it looked really scary as she was uncontrollably seizing and salivating copiously. I was watching her the whole time but there was nothing to do but comfort her. She's fine now but for a day had no appetite at all. Yesterday she was her usual self and got excited when you mention the word "walk". As a matter of fact, the word gets her so excited and barking that Jojoe and Gilles have to spell out W-A-L-K rather than say it out loud so she won't disturb the neighbors.
Mitsy died last month after a lingering paralysis which left her lower extremities paralyzed and her bowel functions uncontrollable. Anais was heroic in her effort to rehabilitate her but to no avail as her situation worsened. Although, I have been partial to dogs and cats all my life, I never thought the passing of a dog who's not even mine could affect me so. She was my sister's pet in Montreal and Chicago for 15 years after they rescued her from the pound. I would see her everytime I'd spend a holiday or a weekend with them and have grown fond of her as she was the sweetest dog ever. My nephew, Fabien, who was closest to her can attest to this. Over Thanksgiving evenings, Mitsy would quietly sit by the fire d bask in the heat with Chloe, the beagle, and just be around family over laughter and conversations, wine, and games. When asked, she would sidle up to you and cozy up then start licking your hand or your feet endlessly until she got tired then fall off to sleep. In parks she loved playing catch with a tennis ball, chasing squirrels up trees, and just sniffing other dogs for good measure.
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