Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Living in Brooklyn

3 October 2005(moved from Yahoo!360)-Before I came to New York, my idea of dwellings had always been the brownstones of Sesame Street with their stoops where Maria and the others hung out and congregated. At the bottom of that stoop was the garbage can where Oscar the Grouch lived. But when I got here I realized that the image was far from reality. A small one bedroom in a postwar apartment building in the Village costed 2000 dollars(thank God mine was partly subsidized by the hospital) and a brownstone, was like renting in Rockwell. But I discovered recently Manhattan was not the only places with these turn-of-the-century houses. As a matter of fact, Brooklyn was filled with them. The neighborhoods might be very different, but they were certainly here. And for the last year(maybe) I decided I was getting one. It'sactually not a brownstone(brick) but it's made ii the same time and the same attention to details. I only have the outside for now, but in a week the inside will be fixed. My apartment is the top floor with the light on.

Can't get anymore New York than this one! more in the folders.

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